Hello all!
So, I am Kevin’s new apprentice in all things social media;
I will be keeping you guys updated with everything via the likes of blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and more, which sounds like great fun, but where to start?
The wedding game is a very big one, there is what seems to be a million tiny little details that must be presented perfectly, and I know that all those brides and grooms-to-be want to find out everything they can to make their day as perfect as possible. I like to think of myself as quite a laid back person, but no matter how laid back you are, if something is important to you and you want it to be the best it can be, it is easy to turn into a stressed out, moody so-and-so.
Well, a wedding begins with that all important question – Will you marry me? Before you begin stressing to the point of wanting to pull your hair out, just remember… you, he or she said yes; YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY THE PERSON YOU LOVE! And nothing can get in the way of that. When you feel bogged down with 1,098,786 things to be getting on with, just let that thought sit in the back of your mind and console you.
One must also remember, you are not in this alone! It is easy to let yourself feel like you have the weight of the world sitting on your shoulders, but why should you feel like that? You have your wonderful fiance by your side, sit down, drink a cuppa, CONVERSE! Don’t let yourself think you’re in this alone! Take a few evenings off and go out for dinner, or have a movie night and a takeaway (remember that wedding day body though ;)). You’re also surrounded by people wanting to see you have an amazing wedding day who are bound to want to help out too, it’s always worth an ask if you have too much to do!
Everyone tends to up their game in terms of exercise in the run-up to their wedding day so they can look extra-fab, but not everyone likes to spend hours doing cardio every day, or sitting in the gym sweating until they look like they’ve gone for a swim. However, when you can feel your stress-levels raising the roof then do yourself a favour (actually two favours), go and do some exercise! This will not only help you de-stress but will keep you looking extra sharp for your wedding day. If you aren’t the Jessica Ennis type then just take yourself for a walk, or a gentle run or swim for an hour or so. If you feel like punching someone in the face because they are constantly getting on your last nerve, then get yourself down to a boxercise class or find the nearest punchbag! Those dreamy toned arms might even come into play. Two birds, one stone!
Don’t forget, it’s normal to get nervous or feel stressed; you’re only human!! Everyone feels bogged down with things to do before their big day. Got the wedding jitters? Feel like putting it off? That’s only natural. It doesn’t mean you don’t want to get married to the person you love. You simply want it to be perfect. Have a bubble bath, wind down before you go bed, and remember, your wedding is going to be one of the most special days of your life, don’t let your anxieties get the better of you. Pursue your dream wedding with patience and perseverance. Remember to chill.
Thanks for reading guys, you’ll be kept posted with all sorts of weird and (maybe) wonderful tips for your weddings.